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Greenberry George Rupert


Church of God pioneer for the period c1902-1922



        Click for information on AT Jones and AF Ballenger, associates of Rupert's


General Information

Rupert's Publications

The Remnant of Israel periodical

Inspired History of the Nations series

Books and tracts that are sought

Book extracts

Books and booklets listed by Richard Nickels

Other books not listed by Nickels

Photographs and other Miscellaneous Items


NB: A big thank you to Gordon Rupert, who is Greenberry Rupert’s great, great grandson. He sent me some information and a box of books that Rupert published in the early 1900s. Also Marian Horning, a great-grandaughter of Greenberry George Rupert, the maternal grandfather of her father, Merton M. Bulla (mother, Ruth Rupert Bulla, youngest daughter of Rupert) contacted me and in due course scanned and sent to me a number of photographs of Rupert.

General Information




Greenberry George Rupert. A significant Church of God leader by C White  2018 
Greenberry G Rupert and the Remnant of Israel by C White 2007, 2010 A lot more information has been gathered and will be added in due course
Greenberry G Rupert slide presentation by C White 2007   
Signficant Remnant of Israel Quotes 2018 Key information on Rupert's beliefs and historical information
Rupert's meetings at Pasadena and his predictions 1919
In Memoriam 1922 Information on Rupert’s life and miraculous retrieval of eye-sight.
Extracts from the Remnant of Israel on Feast Day observance   June 1915, April 1919, June 1919, Sept 1919, Sept 1921, July 1925, Sept 1929 editions
Greenberry Rupert's family vault where he is laid to rest 1922 www.findagrave.com/memorial/51472020/
The Remnant of Israel. An Analysis of G.G. Rupert and His Independent Church of God (Seventh Day) Movement, 1915-1929 by RC Nickels    
Honor Roll - GG Rupert by RC Nickels 1984  
GG Rupert - Preacher of God's Laws by RC Nickels    
History of the Remnant of Israel (old version)    
History of the Remnant of Israel (new version)    
Ambassador University letter regarding Rupert 1995  
"The Book of the Law," Bible Advocate 1913 Series of articles


Rupert's Publications




Remnant of Israel periodical (including an inventory of hard copies available at an institution) 1915-31 Published monthly (irregular) April 1915-1925; bimonthly (irregular) 1926-March 1931. Unfortunately there are a few missing issues, but the vast majority of issues are available. Ronald Guizado is acknowledged for his generosity in paying for the scanning of these periodicals.
Age of the World   uploaded 12 Feb 2018
Moral and Ceremonial Law   uploaded 12 Feb 2018
Baal Worship    
Bible Atlas 1909  
Bible Doctrine    
Consecutive Events   Better quality version uploaded 12 Feb 2018
Four Great Cycles 1914  
Is there a True Church organisation?    
Is there a True Church organisation? (large print) c1918  
The Seven Churches    
The Seven Churches (large print)    
The Two Sons of Zebedee c1918  
A Positive Appeal to SDAs    
The Story of the Real Jew   Booklet version
The Seven Seals    
An Important Letter from a Very Reliable and Experienced Minister    
Infallible Interpreters (may be another title for Private Interpretation of Scriptures)   Clean text PDF here and Word version here
True Resurrection Day of Christ   Rupert was wrong on this one!


Inspired History of the Nations series




Theocracy of Israel (pdf) Epub version here 1902 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 1
The Gathering of the Nations to Armageddon 1903 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 2 
The Story of the Real Jew and the Gathering of Israel into their own Land (pdf) 1917 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 3
Yellow Peril (pdf)  Plain Text version available here. Epub version here. Pdf 1 page view here 1911 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 4. This subject was taught by Rupert since 1898
Time Tradition and Truth concerning the end of the world 1914 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 5 
The Statutes of God (apparently this was originally titled "Book of the Law Found Again. The key that openeth and no man shutteth” (vol 2). Vol 1 may have been one of his booklets below). Epub version here. 1918 Inspired History of the Nations pt. 6

NB: I have hard copies of each of these books and many of his booklets.


Booklets and tracts that are sought




Peace or War

The Call of the Ministry and Their Support
The Two Women of the 12th and 17th Chapters of Revelation
The Gift of Tongues Examined    
The Close of Probation    
The Advent Movement    
The Glory of God and the Sign of the Son of Man    
The Seven Thunders    
Private Interpretation of Scriptures (may be another title for Infallible Interpreters)    
Circumcision. The Lesson taught then, to be taught now    
Mortality of Man    
Peace or War    
The Age of the World. A complete diagram given    
The Sign of the Son of Man, What is it?   May be another title for 'The Glory of God and the Sign of the Son of Man'
The Two Atonements    


Book extracts




Gathering of the Nations extracts   Inspired history of the Nations pt. 2
Theocracy of Israel extracts   Inspired history of the Nations pt. 1
Yellow Peril cover (colour) Inspired history of the Nations pt. 4
Yellow Peril extracts Inspired history of the Nations pt. 4
Time, Tradition and Truth cover (colour)   Inspired history of the Nations pt. 5
Inside cover for Time, Tradition and Truth   Inspired history of the Nations pt. 5
Chart from Time, Tradition and Truth   Inspired history of the Nations pt. 5
Various book covers etc


Books and booklets listed by Richard Nickels




  • "Yellow Peril"  (530 pages) [Note: The title included the following:  ‘Or, The Orient vs. the Occident as viewed by modern statesmen and ancient prophets.’ It seems that an updated version may have been titled The Bolshevic and the Yellow Peril. It was part 4 of The Inspired History of the Nations Craig]

  • "Inspired History of the Nations"  (3 volumes, 750 pages) [Note: This was later expanded into 6 volumes.]*

  • Time, Tradition and Truth [This is part 5 of The Inspired History of the Nations]

  • The Bible Atlas

  • The Inspired Biblical Ecclesiastical and Secular History of the World (6 volumes/parts, 2500 pages) [Note: this is another title for the 6 volume set (originally 3 volumes/parts) titled The Inspired History of the Nations. Past and Future – Craig]

  • “The Two Covenants, the Old and the New, Between God and Man” (65 pages) (1907)

  • “The Four Great Cycles” (36 pages) (1914) [Note: the title included the words God’s Timekeepers. A charge against a Sunday keeping professedly Protestant ministry – Craig]

  • “Peace or War”

  • “The Call of the Ministry and Their Support”

  • “The Two Women of the 12th and 17th Chapters of Revelation”

  • “The Story of the Jew and the Remnant of Judah”

  • “Consecutive Events in Their Order Following the Close of Probation”

  • “The Book of the Law Found Again”

  • “The Gift of Tongues Examined”

  • “A Positive Appeal and Challenge to Seventh-Day Adventists and Others To Cease Teaching Error” (c1910?)

  • “Is There a True Church Organization?”



*NB The 6 part series The Inspired History of the Nations under went several editions with varying lengths. This series consisted of:

  • Part I - The Theocracy of Israel (420 pages)

  • Part II - The Gathering of Nations to Armageddon (430 pages)

  • Part III - The Real Jew and the Gathering of Israel into their own Land (400 pages)

  • Part IV – The Yellow Peril (540 pages)

  • Part V – Time, Tradition and Truth (about 310 pages)

  • Part VI – The Statutes of God (400 pages) 


Other books by Rupert which are not listed by Nickels include: 






Photographs & Miscellaneous information




1922 Photographs of the family vault, burial card, register and map of how to find the vault taken 4 January 2018
2018 Union Publishers, which published his books, were located in this suburb (location unknown)
1911, c1919 Kindly provided by a Rupert family member contacted me in 2018 and provided these historical photographs
1880s? I am not sure if this is the same GG Rupert. Source: http://herald-review.com/gg-rupert-vintage-photo-jpg/image_144ae15a-d1be-11e2-b8e2-001a4bcf887a.html
1916 Out of interest I have included a book critical of Rupert's position on certain prophecies
  • Other sabbatarian/Church of God materials from early 1900s (mentioned in ‘Remnant of Israel’):
  • The Evangel of Hope (Joplin, Missouri)

  • The Gathering Call (Riverside, California)

  • The Shining Light (Almira, New York)

  • The Mispah (Enid, Oklahoma)

  • Religious Liberty (Washington, DC)

  • Articles by AP Ballenger


Items in The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom

The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom advertisement, 16 March 1915, p. 254 and also 10 Aug 1915, p. 590 and other editions: 

“THE YELLOW PERIL; or the Orient versus The Occident. This book contains 530 pages. It also contains the inspired predictions of the Bible: First, it sets forth the three great divisions of the world, both spiritual and - geographical; second, the part Russia will act in its relation to the East. It gives a verse commentary on Hosea and Zechariah. It takes up many chapters of the .Old Testament prophets in like manner. Bound in Cloth, Embossed in Gold, By G. G. Rupert. Price $2.25.

TIME, TRADITION and TRUTH. concerning the end of the world. Bound in cloth with table of Chronology, 124 pages, By G. G. Rupert. 90 cents.” 


“Report of College View Campmeeting,” The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 4 Aug 1914, p. 590:

The College View, Nebraska, Campmeeting opened June 25th, 1914, for a two week’s meeting which closed July 7. The meetings were well attended. There were three services each day, consisting of prayer and praise service ten A. M., preaching at three P. M., and again t eight.

The people of College View, and Lincoln, also those who came from a distance were favored with the presence of the well known speakers, Alonzo T. Jones, G. G. Rupert, and A. F. Ballenger. These men are known to most of the readers of the ADVOCATE as able expounders of the sacred word. Bro. Jones spoke mainly on Religious Liberty, viewing it from almost every standpoint possible, also bringing out the texts which portray the true and only church, the body of Christ, of which ‘‘Christ is the head’’ and Christians members. Eph. 4. The main trend of the lesson was ‘Behold your God.’’

Bro. Rupert brought out many good lessons largely brought out many good lessons largely two witnesses showing that God’s law is an eternal one…” (p. 590)

This was followed by a report on Ballenger’s presentation.


The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 24 March 1914, pp. 288: 

“THERE are Independent Seventh Day Adventists laboring to advance the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, seemingly to labor in an independent way. Eld. A. T. Jones and G. G. Rupert have held meetings the past winter at College View, Neb., where the Seventh Day Adventists have denominational work.

reporting successful work. In California Eld. John S. Wightman and wife, Lulu Wightman, have held independent meetings fora few years, mostly open-air meetings, at present in San Francisco. They all claim to preach the Third Angel’s Message of Rev. 14, in distinction to Seventh Day Adventists claim.”  



Richard C Nickels (pictured above with his wife Shirley)

undertook comprehensive research into GG Rupert